Real Estate Financial Models

Enhance your underwriting and deal analysis processes with these meticulously crafted real estate waterfall models. Whether you're analyzing a fresh construction project or an acquisition, robust financial planning is pivotal from inception. In this regard, access to swift and precise tools becomes indispensable - and that's precisely what these spreadsheets offer.

Every facet of your deal is thoughtfully considered within these models. I provide integrated input assumptions and schedules for aspects such as rent rolls, acquisition/financing, equity requirements, operations, growth and stabilization, and exit/terminal value. Output summaries display key metrics including internal rate of return (IRR), equity multiples, and discounted cash flow (DCF) analysis, covering the entire deal as well as limited and general partnerships (LP/GP) views. Elevate your real estate financial analysis with these comprehensive and user-friendly tools.

real estate models
$299.00 USD
(Bundle Downloadable After Purchase)

(actual files you are purchasing above)

Underwriting Templates: Prices Range From $45 - $125

Joint Venture Cash Flow Waterfalls: Prices Range From $45 - $75

Other Similar Templates for the Real Estate Industry: Prices Range From $25 - $75

These underwriting and investment analysis spreadsheets primarily center around acquisitions. Most have an option for joint venture waterfall distributions that drive off of IRR hurdles. Check out only build and rent models here.

Purchasing on a mobile device? No problem. You will receive an email with a download link for the purchased files that you can access on any spreadsheet friendly device later (desktop / laptop).

Billable Hour Promotion: If you pay for 1 hour of billable work here, you can get 1 $45 template at no charge (scales up for as many credit hours as you buy). Just email me which one(s) you want:

Check out all financial model templates in one bundle here. There are also great discounts when buying by category.