Loan Business Financial Models

There are all kinds of ways to enter the money lending business game. You can be a facilitator of loans operator that takes fees from activity (P2P or P2B or what have you). There is also the investor participant of a P2P platform that lends money out to borrowers. Or, you may want to originate your own loans through a money lending business via flat fees or traditional P+i loans. All of these things can be modeled out with the templates in this bundle. This is the most pure form of making money with money.

lending business models
$139.00 USD
(Bundle Downloadable After Purchase)

Individual Template Prices Range From $45 - $75

Purchasing on a mobile device? No problem. You will receive an email with a download link for the purchased files that you can access on any spreadsheet friendly device later (desktop / laptop).

Billable Hour Promotion: If you pay for 1 hour of billable work here, you can get 1 $45 template at no charge (scales up for as many credit hours as you buy). Just email me which one(s) you want:

Check out all financial model templates in one bundle here. There are also great discounts when buying by category.