Some of the financial model templates I've built on this site come along with built-in scenario planning drivers that automatically adjust key assumptions from a base case to a lower case and upper case. For example, in a SaaS model you may want to set monthly traffic so you can toggle between the base case (base manually entered assumptions) and then see the financial impact if traffic is 10% lower or 10% higher than the base assumption without having to manually go in and change the base inputs themselves.
$149.00 USD
(Bundle Downloadable After Purchase)
Templates Included:
- 5-Tier SaaS Startup
- Coffee Shop or Restaurant
- Jewelry Shop / Retail Store
- Hair Salon
- Lending-as-a-Service Platform
Here are the adjustable variables that have low, base, upper configurations for each template above:
- 5-Tier SaaS Startup - Traffic growth rate, conversions (traffic to free), conversions (free pool to paid), churn rate, price.
- Coffee Shop or Restaurant - Units sold and price.
- Jewelry Shop / Retail Store - Units sold and price.
- Hair Salon - Hair cut volume, services sold, products sold.
- Lending-as-a-Service Platform - Average loan settle amount, count of loans settled, average annual interest rate.
When you incorporate adjustable scenarios such as lower case, base case, and upper case (often termed as "Bearish", "Base", and "Bullish" scenarios in financial analysis), it provides a structured way to understand, quantify, and communicate risks and opportunities related to the underlying assumptions of a model or forecast. Here are the benefits and types of analysis that open up:
- Risk Management: By evaluating best and worst-case scenarios, decision-makers can better understand the range of possible outcomes, and therefore be more prepared to manage associated risks.
- Improved Decision Making: With a better understanding of the range of potential outcomes, organizations can make more informed decisions about resource allocation, strategy, and operations.
- Stakeholder Communication: By communicating a range of scenarios to stakeholders, businesses can set expectations and reduce potential misunderstandings or disputes later on.
- Increased Flexibility: When businesses understand potential pitfalls and windfalls in advance, they can be more agile and responsive as situations change.
- Strategic Planning: Scenario analysis can be an important part of strategic planning, helping businesses prepare for different potential futures.
- Credibility: By demonstrating that you've considered a wide range of outcomes, your analysis can be viewed as more thorough and credible.
- Sensitivity Analysis: By toggling key variables, you can determine which ones have the most influence on your model's outcomes. This can be crucial for understanding where to devote resources or attention.
Billable Hour Promotion: If you pay for 1 hour of billable work here, you can get 1 $45 template at no charge (scales up for as many credit hours as you buy). Just email me which one(s) you want:
Want more templates? You can buy everything on the site in one large template bundle here.