Financial Model Template Update: Adding Option to Accrue or Not Accrue Interest on Wind Farm and Biogas Models

I recently built the hydropower construction financial model and in it the construction loan needed an option to have the interest paid during the interest-only (i/o) period or accrue and compound. For the past week I've been debating on adding that functionality update to the wind farm and biogas models as they both have interest-only loan options, but if that is chosen, the interest automatically accrued and compounded until the REFI / conversion month. Now, they also have the additional feature to pay interest during i/o period or accrue and compound.

Templates Updated:

No logic was taken away in this update and only the additional feature was added. Both models can still work exactly the same as they were originally built, but now you have an option to make the interest-only period have that interest be paid each month. This would primarily effect the minimum investment required and you would need to then budget for an interest reserve to cover that before operations begin.