This is one of the most satisfying financial models I have done in the real estate space. It is for mixed-use properties, which means an investment in a given location / cluster of locations and each area can be used for different things i.e. residential / offices / food places / or what have you. Each 'use' is separated into its own development costs, operating assumptions, and exit caps, but they are all consolidated on the same model timeline with this Excel template. Model for up to 10 years.
Latest Update: Added Version Based Purely on SQ. FT. Inputs Rather than Units
Update to Financing Logic
The model starts off by letting the user define the name of each 'use' type for up to 7 different uses as well as the start year of the model. On each use type, there is a configuration for exit month, exit cap rate, and selling fees. This means you can plan to sell the various sections off at different times if so desired or all at once. Each 'use' has its own separate net operating income.
In order to allow for a separate net operating income for each 'use', the template allows assumptions to be entered individually for the rental income / occupancy / operating expenses. Each of the 7 types can be configured based on the following:
- Development costs (monthly schedules for each with up to 22 slots for hard/soft costs). If this is an acquisition, the price can be entered here instead. Define if each slot is financed or not (yes/no selector) and the percentage of that cost that is financed.
- Sq.Ft.
- Units
- Start Month of Rent
- Rent per Unit/Mo
- Max Monthly Rent
- Avg. Rent per Sq. Ft. / Mo.
- Rent Growth (yr. 2-3)
- Rent Growth (yr. 4+)
- Starting Occupancy
- Monthly Improvement
- Stabilized Occupancy
- 17 operating expense slots and annual expense growth rate
- Added a second template that is included in this download where the average rent per square foot and average expense per square foot are the primary drivers rather than units and rent per unit.
- Monthly and Annual Cash Flow detail (shows every single item per the assumptions)
- Monthly Cash Flow waterfall (shows the cash flows going to the Investor / Sponsor (LP/GP) in each hurdle and in aggregate as well as the final exit IRR and DCF Analysis for each. Again, this does not have to be a joint venture and you can simply hit 0% for the investor pool if not needed.
- Annual Executive Summary - this is sort of like an income statement in that it aggregates all the major line items and gets down to Net Operating Income. All major cash flow items are also included on here and the final cash contribution/distribution to investors / sponsors.
- Visualizations - I really took time to make these visuals worthwhile and helpful. They give great clarity to all aspects of the deal over the 10 year period.
- Retail Building Construction
- Lot Development
- Strip Mall Acquisition Model
- Apartment Building
- Single Tenant Industrial
- Mobile Home Parks
- Self Storage: Up to 6 Deals
- Rental Property Scaling
- Condo Development
- STRs (Short-term Rentals)
- Unit-Based Real Estate Acquisition
- Assisted Living Facility / Nursing Home
- Short-term Rental Arbitrage
- Hotel Development / Acquisition
- IRR Sensitivity Analysis (occupancy)
- Multi-family Real Estate Acquisition (annual only)
- Real Estate Flipping Calculator
- Property Management Business
- Real Estate Brokerage
- Real Estate Development
- Real Estate Checklist
- Rental Property ROI Calculator
- Seller Financing
- General Cash Flow Waterfall: 3 IRR Hurdles
- General Cash Flow Waterfall: 3 IRR Hurdles and GP Catch-up Provision
- Preferred Equity
- Preferred Return
- Zero Down Seller Financing
- Cost Segregation Study