If you want to analyze private or publicly traded companies, these Accounting ratios (or financial statement KPIs) will help give some perspective. All ratios include a description of what it is, what a 'good' value is in terms of higher or lower, and the relevant financial statements that are needed to calculate each ratio. The formatting was done to make tracking over time easy and straight forward for comparison of the same company over time or to other companies in the same industry.
$45.00 USD
Balance Sheet, Income Statement, Cash Flow Statement KPIs Included:
- Working Capital - Equals current assets divided by current liabilities. Higher is better.
- Quick Ratio - Equals current assets LESS inventory divided by current liabilities. Higher is better.
- Earnings per Share - Net income for period divided by weighted average outstanding shares in the same period. Higher is better.
- Price-to-Earnings - Price per share (usually market price) divided by earnings per share or total market value divided by total net income in the same period.
- Debt-to-Equity - Long and short-term debt divided by book value of shareholders equity. - Lower is better.
- Return-on-Equity - Common equity divided by (net earnings after tax less preferred dividends) - Higher is better.
- Gross Margin - Total revenues less variable costs divided by total revenues. - Higher is better.
- Profit Margin - Total revenues less all expenses (fixed/variable/otherwise/taxes) divided by total revenues. - Higher is better
- Dividend Payout - Total dividends paid out in period divided by net income in period.
- Berry - Gross profit divided by operating expenses. Higher is better.
- Return On Investment - Total returned cash less initial investment divided by initial investment. Higher is better.
- Accounts Receivable Turnover - Shows how efficient A/R collections are. Higher is generally better.
- Days Sales in Inventory - Shows how long it takes to sell inventory. Lower is generally better.
- Inventory Turnover - Shows how many times inventory is sold in a period. Higher is generally better. A related metric is cash conversion cycle.
- Interest Coverage - Shows the available cash flow that can be used to cover interest obligations. Higher the better. This is very big in real estate analysis.
- Return on Assets - Amount of net income earned relative to the average total assets in the same period. Higher the better.
- Total Asset Turnover - Amount of net sales earned relative to the average total assets in the same period. Higher the better.
The template will do all the math and calculations for you. The user just has to pull the relevant data off of financial statements and input it as instructed.
More Accounting Spreadsheets / Calculators / Tools:
- Activity-Based Costing Model
- Sales / Purchases on Account Helper
- 13-Week Cash Flow Planner
- Financial Statement Generator
- COGS Inventory Template - (FIFO Based)
- Cash Conversion Cycle
- Accounts Receivable and Payable Tracker
- Volume Discount Pricing
- General Loan Amortization
- Cost Segregation Study
- Budget vs Actual Planner
- 90-Day Cash Flow Planner
- WACC Calculator
- 3-Statement Financial Model - For Startups
- Equipment ROI Calculator
- Tracking Billable Hours
- To-Do List Tracker
- Job Bidding
- Inventory Template for a 3-Statement Financial Model
- Payroll Calculator and Tracker - Budget vs. Actual
- Profit / Loss and Cash Flow Tracking in Real Time
- Break-even Analysis
- Depreciation Expense Tool
- Depreciation Recapture Calculator
- Expense Tracker
- Google Sheet Inventory Tracker
- Inventory Reordering Planner
- Inventory Restocking Cash Flow Management
- Job Costing
- KPI Dashboard - General Contractor
- Lending Business or P2P Lending Participant
- Royalty Licensing
- Project Management